Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Black Kids - Wizard Of Ahhhs (demo)

Think fireworks, joy of living, intense moments, excitement states, religious catharsis, shivers sent down your spine, and you get the idea. With only a few songs so far available throughout the internet, Black Kids have been one of my latest obsessions, with their fresh take into the whole indie-rock sound/scene. Apparently their live shows can be life-changing experiences, but in the meantime and while you don't get the chance to see them, do yourself a favour and go download 4 of their anthems at their myspace page. One of them is called "I'm not gonna teach your boyfriend how to dance with you" and besides being the coolest title ever, it's also getting really close to become my favourite song of the year. (8/10)

1 comment:

AM said...

Não tem a ver com esta posta, mas...
Linkei um dos teus vídeos dos LCD no SBSR do Youtube.
Mas que Grande, Grande concerto!!!
Muito obrigado pelo vídeo e boa sorte para o blog.